Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hi All
Hope to see you in January. I had an unexpected Doctor's appointment so I could not come in December. Do you all know about the Knit Michigan knitting, spinning and weaving marathon to raise money for cancer research, for Gilda's Place, Karmanos and others. Check out the site for more information. Have a very Merry Christmas and New Year and Happy Holidays.
Debra Groth

Monday, December 04, 2006

Next Meeting - Dec. 6th

Hi all,
Our next group meeting is really early due to holiday schedules and functions. It is This Wednesday (12-6). We will have a demo/lesson on FMQ (Free motion machine quilting) by Cathy A. We will continue the topic in January with design. As most of you know, my machine quilting skills are seriously pitiful so I am really looking forward to these two meetings. See you all there!

Deb H

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Blog update and New group photo album!

I have spent a little time cleaning up our Blog so it reads faster and easier. I also took a lot of the misc. photos and started a new group photo album. The photos uploaded so far are only a drop in the bucket but, its a start! Check it out at

That's all for now folks!
Deb H

Thursday, October 12, 2006

October 2006 Meeting - Altered Books!

Last night's meeting was great fun. One of our new members; Debra Groth
gave a program on the art of Altered Books. This seems like such a good way to do frequent creativity excersises to me. An Altered Book is definately and art form and it lends itself to fabric as well as paper. Since it (at least mine) is going to be an on-going project, I hope to use it as a creativity booster, not unlike The Artist's Way morning pages.

Here is my Start;
by Deb H

Linda J has just been to
Alaska so that was her focus.

And Sandy O must have
been hankering for a
cup of tea!!

They are all a good start but we have miles to go yet!

We have also decided to work on a Mission Statement for our group and several of us are going off to Fabrications next week.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

September Meeting

Hey, Everybody! Tonight we'll be talking about how to use this blog. There's a good chance that you are reading this tonight and we are all together standing in front of a computer screen. Rock on!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

This Month's Meeting Change!

Hi to all the Eye for Fiber folks! I wanted to reiterate that our meeting for this month was changed from the 3rd week to the 4th week (February only) because of a school conflict - they were having a "do". So if you should up last night - sorry, check your e-mail fist! We will have our gathering next Wednesday (2/22), 6 PM, at the school. Our agenda is Show & Tell, Critique work in progress, show our 1 hr purse challenges off. I see Pat has been at it already - beautiful Pat!!

Scroll down this page a bit if you want to see our Tyvek meeting post and pictures. I only added what I had in my camera so if anyone else has pictures of their Tyvek meeting experiments - please post them! See you next week! Deb H

Friday, February 03, 2006


Hi, Everybody! Here are two 60 min. bags - well the purple took 70 minutes. On that one I used one of my painted pieces from last Wed. Pat

Friday, January 27, 2006

This will be especially great when we (I) learn to really use it. Pat, the crazy beader

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Deb is So Cool!

Hey Everybody!

Deb, what a great idea. Seems to be working for me. I'm posting just to see what happens.

Today, I added more paintstick to some of the pieces from last night. Here's the before and after shots:

The Tyvek Meeting

Meeting 11/16/2005
Tonight's meeting was for torturing Tyvek. That wonderful, weird stuff that some mailing envelopes and other "tough" stuff is made of. Not a paper and not a fabric, it does really cool things when heated.
Our turnout tonight was small. It was very cold, windy and snowy - ugh! But we did great things!
Attendance: Barb Dinneweth, Deb Harowitz, Linda Johnson

We had too much fun torturing more than just Tyvek. Fabrics of all kinds from our stashes were given the "heat" treatment for some really amazing results! We used a heat gun - my favorite torture device, and a stencil cutting tool. Very like a wood burning tool or soldering iron, all will work as well. Most important lesson we learned? It's stinks! Work with good ventilation.

Barb Dinneweth is also cutting and sewing Tyvek to fabric to be abused for the sake of art! It's thanks to Barb (an art teacher) and the Imlay City Middle School that we have such a perfect art classroom for our meetings most of the year.

Linda Johnson is having waaayyyyy too much fun with this. Who knew being destructive could be so much fun?

My creation for the night. While it may not be art - it was a good experiment. Painted and melted Tyvek, scraps of hand dyed cotton, fabric paint, machine stitching, black silk noil. Very fun!

Deb H

Why we are here!

We are the members of an Art Group that works mostly in fiber located in the lower thumb region of Michigan. We decided this Blog was a good way for us to keep in touch with each other and to show other fiber artists what we are up to. We hope you enjoy our posts and if you are a local artist, feel free to join us at our meetings - for more information about where and when you can e-mail us at
Deb H