Thursday, October 18, 2007

Busy Fall!

Hi all,
Well, I'm a bit late but here is September's post.

September's meeting found us back at the school in our fabulous art classroom. Ah, home! We were a small group this month and our topic was art journaling. Not as in "journals as art" but as in "journaling our artistic efforts". So, not the pretty little journals, memory books, and picture books that are a work of art in themselves, but the kind that you use to track (journal) all of your artistic thoughts and ideas. It appears these kinds of journals can fall into the first category as well, but are really a way to think through a project, help us with our bazillion issues that have to do with just plain being a working artist (whether professional or hobbyist) and a place to collect all those ideas that just need to get written or drawn down. The photo above is a journaling aid I picked up at Borders. It's a pre-decorated, small journal that you are supposed to write down your thoughts or art ideas that are spurred by the accompanying card deck of art related essays. These types of journaling aids are ideal to get you started if you are not sure how to proceed with one and to break-up a creative "block".

But most of us use journals to plan out art projects and write our own essays to get us through difficult points of art or creative dead-ends. We scribble ideas down in quick sketches, write a brief description of a concept worth developing and paste in pictures from nature, magazines, the Internet (whatever) that inspired an idea. Here are some of the journals that we shared;

From very neat to very messy to very colorful. But they all do the job!

That's all for this month!
Deb H

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